Tuesday, January 31, 2017


SCRIPTURES: Judges 11:1-6, Judges 12:7.
CONFESSIONS: Hebrew 9:22, Isaiah 4:4.
SONGS: 1. All the way to Calvary He wept for me.  2. Holy Ghost arise in your power. 3. He has promised He will never fail. 4. All other gods, they are the works of men.

HYMNS:  1.  There is power in the blood
                    2.  Pass me not O gentle savior                           

1.   Every curse controlling my life, break and die, in the name of Jesus.
2.  O Lord, restore me to your original destiny for my life.
3.   O Lord, make my mouth bigger than enemies’, in the name of Jesus.

Jephthah in the Bible was labeled as a bastard.  He was ostracized and left in the wilderness of life.  He was written off. He was adept at wearing the evil garment of rejection. However, God stepped in and relabeled him, changing the evil labels that his family and even the larger community had robbed him.

Prayer: Every evil label causing problems for me in life, catch fire, roast.

An evil label is:
1.    An evil name that you are known by. For example, Sarah in the Bible was known as “The barren woman”.  So was Hannah who later became known as the prophet Samuel’s mother. Leah, Jacob’s wife was known as the “Rejected wife,” an extra luggage.  1 Samuel 1.
2.    An evil emblem that announces you everywhere you go.
3.    An evil garment with which you are robbed. It could be a garment of reproach, infirmity, rejection, untimely death, or leprosy. For example, “blind” and “beggar became the garment in which Bartimaeus was robed.  He was known as “The blind beggar.” Mark 10:46-52.
4.    An evil name, which even has overshadowed your real name.
5.    It is an evil identity which is contrary to the one that God has ordained for you.
1.   Every emblem and seal of darkness upon my life, catch fire now, in the name of Jesus.
2.  Every evil spiritual identity magnetizing problems to my life, be wiped off by the blood of Jesus.
3.   Every evil name limiting my destiny receive divine solution, in the name of Jesus.
4. Evil garments hindering my life, I tear you off and set you on fire.
5. Every evil plan to stick any evil label on me, fail woefully and backfire.
6. O Lord, arise and give me a new name today, that will bring glory to your name.

1.    Labels of slavery, bondage, and captivity
For example, Israel in bondage in Egypt for over four hundred years. Joseph war the label of slavery having been sold into slavery by his envious brothers. But he was faithful in serving God and God changed his evil label to that of rulership.  He became the prime minister of Egypt and a father to Pharaoh, the king of Egypt. Genesis 39:1, 41:40-45.
2.    Label of demotion
The label of demotion which demoted David who was destined to be a king to a mere “shepherd boy,” and Joseph who was on his way to the seat of the prime minister to being a “slave boy.” 1 Samuel 16:19, 2 Samuel 5:3-5, Genesis 39:1, 41:40-45.
3.    Labels of shame and reproach 
Hannah, Rachel, and Zacharias wore these labels until God remembered them, took away their reproach, and rebelled them by given then much desired children. 1 Samuel 1, Luke 1:13-59.
4.    Label of sickness
The woman with the issue of blood was labeled. The label prevented her from even being seen among people. A bleeding woman was not supposed to come out. But just by touching the hem of Jesus’ garment, her story changed.  Luke 8:43-44   
5.    Label of insanity
The madman of Gadarenes, wore this label of madness or insanity.  This was until he had an encounter with the living Jesus and his problem was solved. Mark 5:1-10.
6.    Label of poverty and “never do well.”
Jabez’s own parents put this evil label on him.  He cried out to God in great desperation and God answered his prayer and enlarged his coast beyond measure. 1 Chronicles 4:10.
7.    Label of witchcraft 
Mary Magdalene out of which seven demons were cast out was a well-known witch.  When she anointed Jesus everyone complained that if Jesus know what manner of person she was, He would not let her near him talk less of letting her anoint him with ointment. She later became Jesus’s treasurer following him everywhere.  That evil label was later replaced with the label of being the first of Jesu’s followers to see the risen Christ.  Luke 8:2.
8.    Label of outcast and rejection
Jephthah wore these evil labels for several years but latter he became a judge, the leader, ruling the nation of Israel. Judges 11:1-11.
9.    Label illegitimacy
Jephthah also wore this label being called “the son of a harlot” and rejected. Judges 11:1-11.
10.  Label of untimely death. Not only individuals but even families can be stamped with this evil label.  Only God can deliver from untimely death.

1.   Demotion
David and Joseph were demoted until God repositioned them to the places of honor of king and prime minister respectively that He had ordained for them. 1 Samuel 16:19, 2 Samuel 5:3-5, Genesis 39:1, 41:40-45.
2.   Rejection
Jephthah was rejected by both his family and by the nation of Israel.  They sought him out later and made him king when it became obvious that he was the only one that was equipped to lead their army to battle with their formidable enemies.
3.   Stagnancy
Rachel was a chip of the old block.  She was just like her father, deceptive, trickish, and manipulative.  Her lies and deception led to her untimely death.
4.   Abandonment and isolation
The woman with the issue of blood could not come near people so long as she was bleeding every day. Leviticus 15:25.
5.   Poverty
Blind Bartimaeus had this label of a poor beggar. 
6.   Sorrow and tears
Hannah wept everyday being tormented by her adversary because she was labeled “barren.”
7.   Hatred
Leah was so hated and despised that even God took note and shut her sister Rachel, one of her tormentor’s womb.
8.   Satanic broadcasting
9.   Evil names
10.       Failure instead of success
11.       Hardship and affliction
12. Satanic delay of blessings

     What is the way out of the problem of evil label?

1.    You need to have an encounter with God. It takes the power of God to destroy evil labels. Jabez, Jacob, Zachariah, and Jephthah all had personal encounters with God as we have discussed above and it changed their lives forever. So did Mary Magdalene who converted from being a witch to being a follower of Jesus.
2.  You cannot afford to be silent.  A closed mouth is a closed destiny. Cry out to God like blind Bartmeaus.  He needed the evil labels of blindness and begging removed. He refused to be silenced when others tried to shut him up and he cried even louder. Jesus stopped and changed his story for ever. Ask God to replace the evil label stigmatizing your life with a new one like He did for Bartmeaus and several others in the Bible.
3.    Open your mouth and prophesy over your life. Replace evil labels with God’s original plan, purpose, and label for your life. Call yourself what God calls you and not what the enemy has labeled you.
4.   Cling to the word of God. Appropriate it to solve your problems and wipe out any label that is contrary to what the word of God says that you are. You motto this year should be: "God said it, I believe it, and that settles it."  


Songs: 1. Come O Lord and fill me now.  2. Remember me O Lord. 3. He has promised He will never fail. 
1.  Every evil label operating in my life, dry up from your root, in the name of Jesus. 
2.  Every arrow of destiny demotion backfire by fire.
3.  From now on no one will tell me “sorry try again next time.”
4.    O Lord, put upon me a new label, in the name of Jesus.
5.  Every power, spirit, or personality keeping evil labels in place in my life, fall down and die.
6.  O Lord restore to me all that I have lost as a result of evil labels, in the name of Jesus.
7    O Lord by all the power by which you are known as the Almighty, change my story, in the name of Jesus.  
8. Thank you Lord for answering my prayers.

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