Wednesday, August 31, 2016


SCRIPTURES: Esther 3:8-15, Genesis 49, Jeremiah 29:11.

SONGS: 1. Glory be to God in the highest Amen.  2. The God of Abraham Isaac and Jacob Jehovah is the Man of War.  3. Kabiyesi, You are the God of Heaven and the Earth.

HYMN: Burdens are lifted at Calvary.    

1.   O God give me a miracle that will make me to forget my past troubles, in Jesus name.
2.   Every power that hates to see me laugh, scatter unto desolation, in the name of Jesus.
3.   Every power monitoring my life for evil, fall down and die, in the name of Jesus.
4.   Angels of the Lord, scatter all those plotting against my destiny, in the name of Jesus.
5.  Every dragon and every lion assigned to swallow me up, die, in the name of Jesus.

God is able to change the rules for the sake of His children.  He changed the rules for Hannah’s sake, and her son became a priest in Israel even though he was not from the priestly family of Levi. 1 Samuel 1:21-28. He changed the rules for Daniel’s sake and his enemies were eaten in his place. Daniel 6:7-26. He changed the rules for Joseph’s sake and he got a double portion that should have been Reuben the firstborn’s.  Genesis 48:20-22, Genesis 49:3-4, 22-26.

A rule is a decision, a decree, pronouncement, or a verdict put in place by an authority that applies to everyone under its jurisdiction.  It carries the weight of the law of the land.  Esther 3:12. This authority can be good or bad.  A good example is the decree that was made in Persia during the reign of King Ahasuerus for all the Jews in His kingdom to be killed.  Esther 3:8-15. This evil pregnancy was the child of Haman, a sworn enemy of the Jews.  A rule therefore is:
1.      An official way of doing things.
2.      An authoritative prescribed direction or way of conduct.
3.      A convention. 
4.      An established way of doing a particular thing.
5.     A control or guideline put in place by a governing body.
6.     A commandment, edict, or a statute. 
7.     A verdict, judgment, or pronouncement that is waiting to manifest.

1.     Every power that swallows divine opportunities, vomit them and die, in the name of Jesus.
2.     I call forth my Lazarus from the grave of witchcraft in the name of Jesus.
3.     My Lord and my God, deliver me from the evil devices of the wicked, in Jesus name.
4.     O God arise and change the rules for my sake, in the name of Jesus.

The God that changes the rules for our sake is the Almighty God, the One that rules in heaven and on earth.  His name is Yahweh and He is the God that:
1.      Holds all the power in heaven and on earth in His hands.  Matthew 28:18, Psalm 62:11.
2.      All judgment belongs to.  John 5:22.
3.      Is the righteous Judge. John 7:24, Psalm 9:8, 146:7, Job 8:3.  The Judge of the whole universe. Exodus 12:12.
4.      Can overrule every power, spirit or personality.
5.      Has final authority in every situation in your life.
6.     Makes impossibilities to become possible. Mark 10:27.
7.     Makes the miraculous to become the ordinary in the lives of His children. 2 Kings 3:17.
8.     Promotes and no one can demote. Psalm 75:6.
9.      Directs the paths of His children.  Proverbs 3:5-6, Romans 8:14.
10. Keeps your foot from being taken by your enemies. Daniel 6. Acts 28:4-5.
11.  Lifts up your head. Psalm 3:3.
12.  Turns the counsel of the wise men, including star gazers, diviners, and enchanters to foolishness. 2 Samuel 15:21, 2 Samuel 17:14-23
13.   Overturns evil powers, edicts, rules, verdicts, and decrees.  Esther 4:8, 9:13, Ezra 4:17-24, 6:1-12.
14.  Uses the weak things of this world to confound the wise. 1 Corinthian 1:27.
15.  Is able to open closed doors that have been locked for generations for you. Revelation 3:8
16.  Is the Creator and so can create new things just to bring His will and purposes to pass in your life.
17.  Fights for the oppressed and the down trodden. Psalm 146:7.

1. O God arise and change the rules for my sake, in the mighty name of Jesus.
2. Every power refusing to let me go, release me and die, in the name of Jesus.

These are the powers which are behind evil rules. These powers pronounce and enforce evil rules in people’s lives.  The powers sponsoring and enforcing evil rules include:   
1.      Haman
Represents powers that hate you and want your and your posterity wiped out.
2.      Herod
Represents powers that kill good things at infancy.  They do not want any good thing that God has intended for you to manifest.
3.     Pharaoh.
Represents stubborn pursuers that have vowed that over their dead bodies will you escape from their captivity.  
4.      Ancestral powers.
These are the powers that rule and reign in your family. Your ancestors made covenants with them that keeping family members in captivity. You have to separate from yourself from their evil legislation over your life.   
5.     Marine powers.  These are evil powers to which your life has been dedicated.   You have to break the evil dedication so that their evil rule over your life will be broken.
6.     Evil spiritual parents.
7.     Evil human authority figures such as physical parents, wicked pastors, and bosses.
8.      Powers like Balaam that are hired to pronounce and program evil in the form of curses upon people.
9.      Witchcraft powers.
10. Familiar spirits
11.  Star gazers.
12.  Foundational powers.
1.      Swallowers of my breakthroughs vomit it and die, in the name of Jesus.
2.      Every satanic pregnancy in my life die, in the name of Jesus.
3.      Every satanic investment in my life be wasted by fire, in the name of Jesus.
4.      Witchcraft powers challenging me, I bury you now, in the name of Jesus. 

1.    He manifests His presence and changes the rules for His children’s sake.  Everyone in Sodom and Gomorrah were supposed to die, but Lot lived because God showed up a took him out of there by hand. He changed the rules because Abraham was His friend.  Genesis 19:29.
 2.    By giving you grace like He gave to the Daniel and his friend, who lived on vegetables and were sustained and excelled and was wiser than their contemporaries. Daniel 1:8-20.
3.    By giving you boldness so you are not faint in the face of adversity like He did for the apostles who were threatened not to preach about Jesus.  Acts 2:41.
4.    God changes the rules by overruling natural laws.  He made Sarah to be able to conceive at age 90 and to have a baby at 91. Genesis 21:2. He did a similar miracle for the parents of John the Baptist. Luke 1:13-20.
5.    God is able to change the rules for your sake through the activities of the Holy Spirit, the member to the Godhead that is ruling and reigning on earth presently.  He suspended natural laws for the Holy Spirit to be able to overshadow, Mary, and for her to be able to physically conceive and have a baby without knowing a man. Luke 1:31-35.
6.    He is able to change the rules for your sake by breaking evil yokes that are keeping problems in place in your life. He did that for Hannah, the mother of the prophet Samuel who was laboring under an evil yoke. 1 Samuel 1:15-20.
7.  By cleaning up your foundation and delivering you from evil labels, stamps, linkages, and evil names like He did for Jabez. 1 Chronicles 4:10.

PRAYER: O God arise and change the rules for my sake, in the name of Jesus.
1.    Surrender your life totally to God.
2.    Believe in God and His word and stand on it concerning the issues of your life.
3.    Be humble because God hates the proud.
4.    Do not fear or be discouraged.
5.  Pray prayers that can change the rules for your sake.
PRAYER: O God arise and change the rules for my sake, in the name of Jesus.


Song: 1. Kingdom come by power by fire 2. Holy Ghost connect me to my divine helpers.
3. Anointing break the yoke, break the yoke. 4. Holy Ghost fire come down.

1.    Holy Ghost arise and connect me to those who will bless and help me.
2.    Satanic policemen enforcing bad things in my life, fall down and die, in the name of Jesus.
3.    Every horse and rider assigned against my life, drown in the Red Sea, in the name of Jesus.
4.  Evil slave masters enforcing captivity in my life, release me and let me go, in the name of Jesus.
5.  Every witchcraft brown sweeping away my blessings, die, in the name of Jesus.
6.    Holy Ghost arise and connect me to those who will bless and help me.  
7.    My body refuse to cooperate with any arrow of darkness, in the name of Jesus.
8.   I reject every evil judgment over my life and destiny, in the name of Jesus.
9.   Finger of God, arise and lift me up, in the name of Jesus.
10.   Every satanic pregnancy in my life die, in the name of Jesus.
11.  My body refuse to cooperate with any arrow of darkness, in the name of Jesus. To each of the under listed say: “Backfire, backfire, backfire by fire, in the name of Jesus.
      a. arrow of hatred b. arrow of rejection    c. arrow of evil growth           d. evil cobwebs
e. arrow of demotion        f. arrows from the waters        g. non-achievement    
h. arrows of rituals            i. arrows of demonic sacrifices           k. arrows from incense
12. Every yoke manufacturer, die with your yoke, in the name of Jesus.
13.  Strange powers, strange candles, and strange mirrors assigned against my life, shatter in the name of Jesus.
14.  Every arrow of rituals and demonic.
15.  I call forth my Lazarus from the graveyard of witchcraft.
16.  O God breathe upon me your glory, in the name of Jesus.
17.  O God arise and change the rules for my sake, in the name of Jesus.

18. Thank you Lord for answering my prayers.


Unknown said...


Unknown said...

May God continue to give to you more Grace in the mighty name of Jesus Amen

Unknown said...

Ooh my goodness, this is the message I needed for my life. Thank you pastor. May God establish all your steps.

Unknown said...

Kindly send me this message in my mail in PDF form so that I can print and document it. Thank you.

Unknown said...

My email is :

Anonymous said...

I don't know what to say but I want to tell you a big thank you and may God continue to bless and give you more wisdom in Jesus name.. this message has really bless me

Anonymous said...


Anonymous said...

may the lord bless you.

Anonymous said...
