Wednesday, February 14, 2018


SCRIPTURES: Proverb 27:6, Proverb 18:24.

CONFESSIONS: 2 Timothy 4:18, Job 5:12, Isaiah 54:17.

SONGS: 1. You are God from beginning to the end. There is no argument you are God all by yourself. 2. Come and take your place O Lord 2. The name, the name of Jesus is greater and higher than all names. 3. Ah Lord God thou has made the heaven and the earth by thy great power.  4. Jesus power super power O!

HYMNS:  1. What a friend we have in Jesus. 2. Stand up, stand up for Jesus.

1.   Blood of Jesus close all doorway of demonic invasion into my life, in Jesus name.
2.   All evil legs working about for my sake, be cut off, in the name of Jesus.
3.   Every evil label fashioned against my life by the enemy, be rubbed off by the blood of Jesus.
4.   I vomit every satanic deposit in my life, in the name of Jesus.
5.  Every harm done against me using my pictures and other personal effects, receive divine solution in the name of Jesus.
6. Where ever my name is being called for evil, Holy Ghost fire answer them, in the name of Jesus. 
6.  Evil hands militating against my success in life, wither and die, the name of Jesus.

A good friend should stick closer than a brother. Proverbs 18:24. An unfriendly friend on the other hand is not like that. An unfriendly friend is one that pretends to be your friend but is actually an enemy in disguise.  Proverbs 27:6. The Bible clearly teaches us that in the latter days, which is now, the ministry of unfriendly friends will explode. Luke 21:16. But by their fruits you shall know them the Bible also cautions. My prayer is that after using the prayers here, Holy Ghost fire will chase away all your unfriendly friends in the name of Jesus.

1.    Blood of Jesus separate from me all unprofitable friends, in the name of Jesus.
2.    Holy Ghost fire, chase away every unfriendly friend in my life,  in the name of Jesus. 

1. An unfriendly friend is a backbiter. 
2. An unfriendly friend is a Judas, a traitor. 
3. An unfriendly friend is a betrayer. Luke 21:6.
    A good example is Samson’s friend, who was his best man but later took over his
    wife as soon as he was not around. Judges 14:20.
4. An unfriendly friend is one who is still friends with the world and is dragging you to come and join them. James 4:4.
5. An unfriendly friend is one that digs a pit for you to fall into.

Prayer: Every power that has dug a pit for me, fall into your own pit in the name of Jesus. 

6. An unfriendly friend is one who is ever misjudging you. For example, Job’s friends. Job 16:26.
7. An unfriendly friend is one that rather than cover you and your weakness, exposes you and your nakedness instead.
8. An unfriendly friend is a satanic broadcaster. He or she is a gossip who tells your business to the whole world.  Psalm 41:9, Proverbs 15:28.
9. An unfriendly friend is one who joins others to conspire and to gang up against you.  Luke 23:12.
10. An unfriendly friend is one that is full of envy of you.

Prayer: Every battle in my life that is raging out of envy, scatter by fire, in the name of Jesus. 

11. An unfriendly friend is one who does not wish you well but pretends otherwise. 
12. An unfriendly friend is one that can pollute your anointing and your life if you do not exercise great care.
13. An unfriendly friend is one that covets everything that you have even when she possesses better things than you.
14. An unfriendly friend is one that always wants you to play second fiddle to him or her. She always wants to surpass you in everything. She or he wants to be head while you remain at the tail.
15. An unfriendly friend is one who is disloyal.
16. An unfriendly friend is one with a secret agenda that is not in your interest or for your good.
17. An unfriendly friend sheds crocodile tears and sympathizes with you in public but behind you says “Serves her right!” “Good for him!”
18. An unfriendly friend is one that tries to divert you from good things and good opportunities and steer you into unprofitable ones. She closes good doors against you while shooing you into bad ones.

1.    You spirit of error and mistake, get out of my life now.
2.    Divine wisdom that cannot be deceived, come into my life now.

19. An evil friend, just like the devil, has nothing but an evil agenda for your life.
20. An unfriendly friend is an enemy who pretends to be a friend but actually hates you.
Prayer: You unfriendly friends in my life, make mistakes that will expose and disgrace you, in the name of Jesus.

21. An unfriendly friend is one that wants to be going up in life while you are going down. She pushes you down the steps, passes you and keeps going higher.  She would even go as far as employing diabolical powers to keep you down while she moves up in life.
22. An unfriendly friend is a deceiver and cannot be trusted or relied on.
23. An unfriendly friend keeps all the good things to herself and voluntarily and gladly tells you about unprofitable things.
24. In short, an unfriendly friend is an unprofitable friend.
25. An unfriendly friend is one that circulates your name around for evil.

1.    Every evil leg working about for my sake, I cut you off with the sword of Jehovah, in the name of Jesus.
2.    Powers circulating my name for evil, your time is up, die, in the name of Jesus.

1.    Get to know Jesus. He knows the heart of men and so can guide you aright in every relationship.

2.    Pray for wisdom daily. Remember that the fear of the Lord is the beginning of wisdom. Wisdom from any other source is deadly.

Prayer: Wisdom to run my life, fall upon me now, in the name of Jesus.

3.    Put your trust and confidence in God alone and not man. 
4.    Keep your mouth closed. Micah 7:5.
Learn to keep your business to yourself or you just might be giving your enemy information to use against you. Particularly  when things turn sour. 
5.    Take your final counsel concerning all matters from God. Luke 7:34.
6.    Fear God only and not man. Luke 12:4.
7.    Stay away from anyone who does not fear God or obey His commandments.
8.    Pray for discernment to know who your friends truly are.

Prayer: O Lord, pour upon me the spirit of discernment, in the name of Jesus.

9.    Pray against unprofitable friends and ask the Holy Ghost to expose, separate and keep them away from you.
10. Pray for the restoration of everything that you have lost to unprofitable friendship.
11. Pray against reinforcement and satanic counterattack. Former close friends sometimes become the worst enemies. 


Songs: 1. Draw out your sword O Lord. Jehovah draw out your sword O Lord for battle. 2. My Father consider me. Find solution to my problems now. 3. By the reason of the anointing every yoke shall be broken.  4. In heaven He won the battle 5. Super blood of Jesus, come and deliver me O.

1.  Anointing that breaks the yoke, fall upon my life now, in the name of Jesus.
2. Holy Spirit incubate me with your fire, in the name of Jesus. 
3.   Every attack of envious enemies, I command you to fail woeful, in the name of Jesus.
4.    Let the joy of the enemy over my life be turned to sorrow, in the mighty name of Jesus.
5.  I will not go to my enemy for help, in the name of Jesus.
6.  Let every problem that has been transferred into …………. (name the area of your life such as business, health, marriage or finances) through demonic friends lose its hold now, in the name of Jesus.
7. Sword of fire, cut off every evil attachment in my life, in the name of Jesus.
8. Blood of Jesus, (say “blood of Jesus” seven times) separate my life and destiny from every unfriendly friend, in the name of Jesus.
9. Holy Ghost fire, purge my life, in the name of Jesus.
10. Every tree that the Father did not plant in my life, be uprooted and roasted, in the name of Jesus.
11. Every conscious and unconscious covenant and soul ties militating against my life, break and die, in the name of Jesus.
12. I separate my life from every evil association and every evil gathering by the power in the blood of Jesus.
13. I take authority over all curses pronounced against my life by unfriendly friends and I command them to break by the power in the blood of Jesus.
14. Holy Spirit wipe out from the memory of unfriendly friends every information that I have shared with them that they are now using against me, in the name of Jesus.
15. Every evil friend preventing me from moving forward, fall down and die by fire.
16. I fire back every arrow of envious witchcraft, in the name of Jesus.
17. Every property taken from me that is on any evil altar, I separate myself from you and command you to catch fire, in the name of Jesus.
18. Every power militating against my life, through the mouth gate, fall down and die.
19.Every evil load transferred into my life by unfriendly friends, I return you back to your owner, in the name of Jesus.
20. I fire back every arrow fired into my life by unfriendly friends, in the name of Jesus.
21. Every yoke of unfriendly friend upon my life, break by fire, in the name of Jesus.
22. I release my prosperity from the hands of unfriendly friends, in the name of Jesus.
23. Every damage done to my life by unfriendly friends, be repaired by the blood of Jesus.
24. I recover back everything that unprofitable friends have stolen from me by the power in blood of Jesus.   
25. Thank you Lord for delivering me from the grip of unfriendly friends.

Saturday, February 10, 2018


SCRIPTURES: Acts 12, Jeremiah 29:11.
SONGS: 1. O what a wonderful God, what a marvelous God. 2. I have confidence in you. 3. There is no one there is no one like Jesus.
HYMN: 1. Blessed Assurance Jesus is mine.  2. O the blood of Jesus.
1. Every strongman behind my problems, fall down and die, in the name of Jesus. 
2. Every mountain of darkness where decisions are being taken against me, scatter by fire, in the name of Jesus.
3. Anyone saying over their dead body will I prosper this year, it is now time for me to prosper, therefore, die now, in the name of Jesus.
4. Every satanic investigation into my affairs, be dismantled, the name of Jesus.
5. You the source of my problems dry up, in the name of Jesus.
6. I reject slippery blessings and I claim powerful breakthroughs, in the name of Jesus.
7. Every power circulating my name for evil, fall down and die, in the name of Jesus.


God has a plan and a purpose for every human being.  It is a wonderful plan. Jeremiah 29:11. In psalm 139, we are also told the same thing which is that we are fearfully and wonderfully made. The Bible also assures us that we are the apple of God’s eyes. Zechariah 2:8. God has a plan for your life and has deposited everything in you that you need to fulfill that plan including virtues and goodness.
The devil and his agents on the other hand also have their plans for your life. Not just that, but they are determined that their plans and not God’s will stand.  A classic case is the case of Adam and Eve. God had a great destiny for them but the devil found a foothold in their lives and vandalized it.  So the devil seeks to vandalize, destroy, and kill a person’s destiny. This is not new as the Bible clearly tells us that the devils agenda is to kill, steal, and destroy. John 10:10.

1.    They seek to make the one that God has ordained to be the first to become the last. We have examples of this in the Bible. A good case is the case of Reuben.  He was the first born of Jacob but his first born double portion was given to Joseph’s sons, Ephraim and Manasseh.  Manasseh himself was the first born of Joseph but became the last after his younger brother Ephraim.
2.    They seek to make the head to become the tail.
3.    They want to demote destinies by make you whom God has ordained to be above only to be beneath instead.
4.    As mentioned in the introduction, they seek to kill, steal, and destroy destinies, especially colorful destinies. Joseph’s brother’s in the Bible were classic examples of destiny killers.  Once they realized that he had a colorful destiny, they did everything in their power to kill it.  Thank God they failed woefully. 

Prayer: Every damage done to my life by household wickedness powers, be repaired by the blood of Jesus.

Star hunters would employ every means possible to resist and oppose the glow of a person’s star.  Below are some of the strategies that they use to do this.

Prayer: Every satanic opposition assigned against the shining of my star, scatter
by fire, in Jesus name.

1.  Evil monitoring and surveillance
Star hunters use occult means to look at your star.

Prayer: Every evil power with negative awareness of my destiny be paralyzed, in the name of Jesus.

2.   Enchantment, incantations, and divination including demonic sacrifices (Deuteronomy 18:10-11, Numbers 23:23).

Prayer: Every diviner divining against me, run mad now, in the name of Jesus.

3.    Household wickedness and witchcraft
This includes polygamy and envious witchcraft.

Prayer: I reject every rearrangement of my destiny by household wickedness powers, in the name of Jesus.

4.    Dream attacks  
These include feeding, sex, gun shots, and death, in the dream.

5.    Satanic Diversion

Prayer: I refused to be removed from the divine agenda and timing for my life, in the name of Jesus.

6.  Limitation   
This includes both foundational, satanic, and self-limitation.  For example, the children of Israel limited themselves and God and were wasted in the wilderness.

1.    I refuse to be my own problems in the name of Jesus.
2.    Arrows of evil limitation operating in my life come out with all your roots and backfire in the name of Jesus.
7. Curses
8. Spirit of error and mistake
      These include wrong marriages, wrong locations, wrong associations, and wrong jobs and careers.
Prayer: O Lord anytime I want to make a mistake, arise and direct me aright, in the name of Jesus.
9. Ignorance (Hosea 4:6)
      You may be ignorant of where you are going. Have you taken the time to ask the Lord what your destiny is and the road map to get you there? You become an easy prey for destiny killers if you are just blundering along the journey of life with no clear cut purpose or plan.

10. Attack by strongmen

Prayer: Let the strongmen of my father’s house fight the strong men of my mother’s house and destroy themselves, in the name of Jesus.

11. Spirit of error and mistake

Prayer: O Lord anytime I want to make a mistake, arise and direct me aright, in the name of Jesus.

12. Sickness and infirmities

      Prayer: Every sickness assigned to stop me. Come out and die in Jesus name.

13. Untimely death   
This includes both physical and spiritual death.

Prayer: Every agent of untimely death in my body come out and die, in the name of Jesus.

14. Evil family pattern   
For example, there was an evil family pattern of sexual looseness in King David’s family which led destruction of several destinies in his family.  It all started with his ancestor Judah. Ii spread to David who slept with Bathsheba and had her husband murdered to conceal it. 2 Samuel 11:1-1-27. The evil pattern went on to his children. David’s son, Amnon, was killed and his destiny wasted by his half-brother Absalom because he raped the latter’s sister Tamar. 2 Samuel 13:14-27. Absalom slept with his father’s wives publicly. 2 Samuel 16:22.

Prayer: Every evil family river flowing into my life and destiny, dry up by fire, in the name of Jesus.   

14. Stubborn Strongholds   
Examples are failure and anger.  For example, there was a stronghold of anger in Moses life which he failed to deal with which eventually denied him entrance into the Promised Land.  

Prayer: Every evil stronghold threatening my destiny break and die, in the name of Jesus.

  When a life is under the siege of destiny killers:

1.    There will be embargos and closed doors in place
2.   There will be terrible dream attacks.
For example, gun shots in the dream and gun men pursuing you.
3.   Spirit of error and mistake.
4.   Satanic diversion
Demonic manipulations out of the places of blessings.
For example, prefer to stay in churches where they will not grow spiritually.
5.   Profitless hard work
6.  opportunity abortion
7.  Failure at the edge of breakthroughs
8. Destiny vandalization and wastage
9.    Living below God’s standard for your life
10. Failure
11. Demotion

1.    Flee from sins.
2.    Become God’s friend.
3.   Stay in God’s word. Meditate on the word of God.  2 Timothy 3:15-17, John 1:8.
4.    Exercise control over your mouth. What you say and who you say it to. James 3: .
5.  Pray targeted prayers.
6.  Engage in spiritual warfare daily.
7.  Go for deliverance if possible and engage daily in in warfare prayers.
8.    Pray prayer of restoration to recover all that destiny killers have vandalized in your life.
9.    Barricade your life with the blood of Jesus and the fire of God.

Songs: 1. Arise O God arise and fight my battles 2. Send down your sword O Lord. Jehovah send down your sword O Lord for battle. 3. Holy Ghost arise in your power.

1. Let the angels of the Lord arrest every negative word spoken against my destiny.
2. I remove my life from every agenda of household witchcraft, in the name of Jesus.
3. Every star hijacker assigned against my life, receive divine madness, in the name of Jesus.  
4. Wicked broadcasters of my divine goodness, fall down and die, in the name of Jesus.
5. I operate according to God’s divine timetable and calendar, in the name of Jesus.
6. O Lord arise and enlarge my coast, in the name of Jesus.
7. O God arise and promote me by fire, in the name of Jesus.
8. My Father, impose my divine destiny over all satanic contentions, in the name of Jesus.
9. I bind every satanic surveillance over my life, in the name of Jesus.
10. Every evil location threatening my destiny, vomit me by fire, in the name of Jesus.
11. I fire back every arrow of destiny transfer and exchange, in the name of Jesus.
12. I fire back every arrow of destiny demotion, in the name of Jesus.
13. Evil yokes slowing down my destiny, break by the power in the blood of Jesus. 
14. Every power and personality assigned to frustrate my destiny, die now. 
15. Every evil sacrifice carried out against me backfire, by fire.