Tuesday, May 31, 2016


SCRIPTURES:  1 Kings 18:44-46, Isaiah 54:17.

SONGS: 1. By fire by force I am moving forward. 2. At the mention of your name every knee must bow.

HYMN: He leadeth me.

1.   I shall be celebrated, in the name of Jesus.
2.   I am a success and not a failure.
3.   I am a victor and not a victim.
4.   I am a winner and not a loser.
5.   Heavens shall increase my speed.
6.   Elevator of the Holy Ghost accelerate my uplifting.

Divine acceleration is:          
1.    When God extraordinarily increases your speed beyond what normally obtains. Isaiah 40:31.
PRAYER: O heavens arise today and increase my speed.
2.    When God makes you a pacesetter like David became after being anointed as king. 1 Samuel 18:7.
3.    When God fast tracks your destiny.  Your career, business, and general life are all fast forwarded.  He did this for Joseph who at the age thirty became a leader in Egypt second only to Pharaoh. Genesis 41:46.
4.    Divine advancement and elevation.  A great example is Daniel that God elevated from being a slave to be a leader among leaders.  Daniel 6:2.
5.    Supernatural uplifting. The finger of God lifts you up which no one can challenge.  Both Moses and Joseph were uplifted by God to help God’s people in the time of need.  So was Esther.  Hosea 12:13, Esther 4:14.
6.    When you are walking when others are crawling, run when they are walking, and flying when they are running.
7.    When God moves you from strength to strength, and from glory to glory progressively. Psalm 84:7.
8.    When the power of God makes you an overcomer.
9.    When God disgraces the satanic arresters assigned to stop you and propels your life several steps forward.
10. When God restores all your wasted years and lost opportunities. Job 43:12-15.
11. When you catch up with those that were way ahead of you, overtake them, and leave them behind like the prophet Elijah did to King Ahab.  1 Kings 18:45-46.
12. To outdistance and outshine your competitors.  Daniel 6:1-3.
13. When God empowers you to overtake those that are more talented, educated, and connected than you as He did for Mordecai.  Esther 10:2-3.
14. When God turns you into a celebrity overnight where you were despised. Genesis 50:15-21.
15. When God elevates you from prison to the palace and makes you a prime minister overnight. Genesis 41:40-46.
16. When God turns you from being a slave to being a queen like Esther.  Esther 2:16-18.
17. When God turns you from being a gate man to being next to the king overnight like He did for Mordecai.  Esther 10:2-3.
18. It is when God makes those that previously looked down on you to bow to you like Hamman had to do for Mordecai.  Esther 6:10-12.

        If you want God to accelerate your life then you have to do things His way.   You do this by following His principles set forth in His word the Bible.  We will now look at these principles.  
1.    Step aside and allow God to do it
The Bible tells us that God will have mercy on whom He will have mercy.  Romans 9:15.
2.    Hard work is required
You have to be diligent.  Proverbs 22:29.
3.    Be properly located
You have to be properly located both spiritually and physically.   
4.    Proper Positioning
You have to be properly aligned to be able to receive what God wants to do in your life. 
5.    Watch you mind
The Bible tells us that as a man thinks in his heart so he turns out to be.  Romans 12:2, Proverbs 23:7.
6.    Be confident and expectant. 1 Peter 1:13.
7.    Aggressive Faith is needed
It is impossible to please God without faith.  Hebrews 11:6.
8.    Be a prayer addict
Daniel was one even under the threat of death.  Daniel 6:1-13. 
9.    Ensure that your heart is right with God. Ezekiel 36:20.
10. Watch your mouth and your confessions
It is with the mouth that confessions is made to whatever you want to become.   Number 14:28.
11. Know the word of God and appropriate it for your situation.  Joshua 1:8, Psalm 1:1-3.

1.   Miraculously cancel your debt.
2.    It Deliver you from inherited problems that have being slowing down your life. 
3.   By giving you breakthroughs such as financial, career, or academic breakthrough. 
4.    By marrying you to the right person that will accelerate your life and progress. 

1.   Sin
    It aborts God’s goodness. You should flee from it.  Isaiah 59:1.
2.   Disobedience
    Only the willing and the obedient get to enjoy God’s goodness. 2 Corinthians 10:6.  Isaiah 1:19-20.
3.   Ignorance Hosea 4:6.
       This includes ignorance of God and His ways. 
4.   Stinginess
    Especially towards the work of God and to the less privileged.  Haggai 1:1-11
5.   Amputating powers
    These powers abort opportunities, breakthroughs, and good things in a person’s life.
6.        Evil monitoring and surveillance powers
      They destroy good things before they manifest particularly at the edge of breakthroughs.
7.        Incomplete deliverance
     You deliverance is incomplete if your old problems are still in place.  Your deliverance is incomplete if your foundation is still not strong enough to carry progress and prosperity.  Psalm 11:3. 
8.        Doubt and unbelief
      These will prevent you from receiving God’s blessings.  James 1:6-8.
9. Bad company 
           You cannot be fraternizing with God’s enemies and expect Him to bless you.  Proverbs 13:20.
10. Failure to identify and pursue divine purpose. John 21:17, John 4:34, Jeremiah 29:11.
11. Depending on self 
     When you depend on self instead of on the Holy Spirit. John 16:13.
12.        Prayerlessness
      This includes not praying as well as praying wrong prayers.  John 16:24, James 4:2-3.
13.        Ingratitude
       Lack of appreciation of what God is doing in one’s life.  Not being thankful. Luke 17:12-19.

1.   Get born again and become a friend of God
Delight yourself in Him and He will grant you the desires of your heart.  Psalm 37:4.
2.   Repent from and deal with sin and rebellion   Isaiah 59:1-2.
3.   Crucify your flesh 
4.   Get baptized and filled with the Holy Spirit.  Acts 1:8.
5.   Be a word and Bible addict
Meditate on the word of God.  Appropriate the promises therein for your life. Joshua 1:8.
6.   Be a prayer addict.  John 16:24
Wrestle with God in prayers changed Jacob’s story.  It can change yours too.  
7.   Engage in purposeful fasting.  Mark 9:29.
8.   Redeem any vows you made to God and man.  Deuteronomy 23:21-23.
9.   Pay your tithe and offerings
Give seed offerings for what you are believing God for.  Malachi 3:10.

1.    Prosperity and uncommon breakthroughs.
2.    Makes you the head and not the tail.  
3.    Puts you above and not beneath.
4.    You are anointed with oil of favor above others and it shows.  Psalm 45:7, Daniel 6:2.
5.    You are right on target, operating right at God’s calendar and plan for your life.
6.    You reach your divine destination.  Joseph made it to the king’s palace where his whole family bowed to him just like the Lord had shown him. Genesis 37:6-10.
7.    Backwardness and demotion are arrested.
8.    Arresting and obstructing powers are stopped. Hamman was hung and Mordecai promoted beyond measure.  Esther 6:9-10.
9.    God uses you to rewrite your family history. 
10. Puts you at the right place at the right time like Esther was, at the palace.t time.
11. Uncommon Success. Mordecai experienced this.  Esther 10:2-3
12. The finger of God is evident in your life like it was in Joseph’s life.  Genesis 39:21-23.
13. You recover all of your wasted years like Job. Job 43:12-15.
14. Your blessings manifest in multiples.
15. Makes you a blessing to your generation. 

Songs: 1. God will make a way where there seems to be no way. 2. Who has the final say, Jehovah has the final say. 
1.    Year ------- (2016) disgrace my mockers, in the name of Jesus.
2.    Strange words assigned to demote me, die, in the name of Jesus.
3.    Every weapon of witchcraft assigned against my divine acceleration, catch fire. 
4.    Anointing for divine acceleration fall upon me now.
5.    Powers slowing down my progress, fall down and die, in the name of Jesus.
6.    Every evil load attached to my feet, die. 
7.    Powers contending with me for my God ordained position and portions release them and die.
8.    Every power sowing garments of shame and rejection into my destiny, die, in Jesus name.
9.    Stubborn yokes and curses militating against my progress, break now, in the name of Jesus.
10. Powers pushing down my head as I try to lift it up die, in the name of Jesus. 
 11. Every satanic animal programmed into my life to slow down my speed, fall down and die.   
12. Anointing for greatness fall upon me now, in the name of Jesus.
13. Finger of God arise and command my lifting up, in the name of Jesus.
14. Favor that brings repossession, fall upon me now, in the name of Jesus.
15. Every good door shut against me, open by fire, in the name of Jesus.
16. O Lord make the grave of my Haman my stepping stone to greatness.  
17. O God take me from where I am to where you want me to be in life, in the name of Jesus.
18. Divine restoration, arise and locate me, in the name of Jesus.

Tuesday, May 24, 2016



SCRIPTURES: Isaiah 54:17, 2 Corinthians 10:4-5, 2 Corinthians 2:11.

SONGS: 1. Thank you for the rain, thank you for the latter rain. 2. All unshakable must be shaken, all movable keep on moving.

HYMN: Majesty! Worship His majesty.

1.      Affliction will not know my address, in the name of Jesus.
2.      I use the blood of Jesus to close every door opened to enemy in my life.
3.      Every evil ladder into my life, catch fire and be roasted to ashes, in the name of Jesus.
4.      Every owner of evil load, carry your load, in the name of Jesus.
5.      Lay your right hand on your head and pray this prayer:
a.      Evil will not manifest in my life, in the mighty name of Jesus.


A lot of people are carrying evil pregnancies around without even knowing it.  They only get to know about the pregnancy when its maturity day comes and the evil baby materializes.  For most people, the pregnancy manifests at the most unexpected and most inconvenient time.  It may be the day that should have been their day of their glory and joy which then turns into a day of evil testimony, a day of shame, a day of sorrow.   For example, it may be the day that they give birth to their first child which ends up in the death of mother and baby.  It may be the day of their graduation when they suddenly run insane.  It could be during their honeymoon that the fibroid or impotence materializes throwing the couple into great sorrow and confusion.  Pray like this please:

Every power assigned to disgrace me on my day of glory, fall down and die now, in the name of Jesus.

An evil pregnancy is an incubation of a wicked baby. This baby is a new thing that the enemy wants to birth forth in your life.  This new thing that is coming forth out of the evil pregnancy is not for your good but for your evil.  It is not a blessing but a curse.  It is an unwanted baby that is determined to be born whether you want it or not.  You too should be just as determined that this wicked engagement that the enemy wants to happen in your life must not happen.   The evil baby must not be born.  It is a wicked thing which should not be allowed to see the living day light. 
An evil pregnancy is a pregnancy that should not be allowed to carry out its evil assignment.  It must never be allowed to result in its intended baby because the baby will be an evil testimony.   Therefore, the pregnancy should be punctured, aborted and destroyed before its maturity date.  The maturity date is the day of wicked manifestation.  It is when the wicked baby comes into being.  It is when it materializes to carry out its evil agenda of killing, stealing and destroying.  John 10:10.   It should be killed in the womb and then flushed out with the blood of Jesus.  This is done to ensure that it does not leave behind any evil deposits and plantation behind which can grow into another evil pregnancy. Please close your eyes and pray this prayers:

Evil will not manifest in my life, in the mighty name of Jesus.
Evil will not manifest in my home, in the name of Jesus.

A satanic pregnancy may be the plan of the enemy to put you on a hospital bed for the rest of your life.  It is that wicked plan to kill you before your time.  It is that satanic conspiracy to divert you from your place of blessings and breakthroughs.  It may be that the enemy is trying to spoil your life through one means or another.  It may be that wicked plan to embarrass or strip you naked in public.
A good example of an evil pregnancy in the Bible is the evil plan that Haman put in place to hang Mordecai.  He did not just stop at planning but actually constructed the gallows which he intended to use to carry out his evil plan.   In the end, God punctured his evil pregnancy and he was hung in his own gallows.  Esther 5:9-14, 6:9-10.
As for his evil pregnancy for the Jewish people, he not only put the evil plan in place but he actually got signatures from the king on the document that called for the destruction and elimination of all the Jews throughout King Ahaserus’ kingdom.  Esther 3:6-15.

1.      I reject every evil testimony, by the power in the blood of Jesus.
2.      Evil testimony will not manifest in my life, in the name of Jesus.


An evil pregnancy is: 

1        A weapon of the enemy to afflict a person's life.  Isaiah 54:17.          
2.     An evil devise, used by the enemy to kill, steal, and destroy a person. Job 5:12.
3.      A pregnancy of sorrow rather than joy and of affliction rather than blessing.
4.      A satanically programmed appointment of a person with evil. 
5.      The satanic programming of evil into a person’s life which is designed to manifest at an appointed date.
6.      An evil load that is waiting for a maturity date to manifest in the life of its target.
7.      An evil attachment.  You should use the blood of Jesus to separate it from your life.
8.      An evil calendar of the devil for a person’s life which you should reject and set ablaze.  
9.      An evil verdict, judgment, or pronouncement that is waiting to manifest.
10.  An evil arrow that has been fired into a target and is waiting to manifest in such a life.
11.  An evil plan hatched against person by the enemy that is waiting for the opportune time to manifest.
12.  A seed that the enemy has planted in a person’s life that becomes a tree and bears terrible fruits later in such a life.
13.  An evil ladder into a person’s life to bring problems into such a life.
14.  An evil tree growing in a person’s life that should be cut off before it starts bearing fruits of wickedness such as sickness, madness, demotion, shame, and untimely death.
15.  An evil plan cleverly put in place to introduce problems into a person’s life
16.  A satanic conspiracy to infiltrate a person’s life and introduce evil.
17.  A trap or a snare set for a person by the enemy.
18.  An evil deposit, plantation, transmission introduced into a person’s life that later manifests as problems in such a life.
19.  An evil mountain that must be addressed and commanded to become plain or cast into the sea.  Matthew 21:21, Zechariah 4:7.
20.  An evil attachment that should be cut off from a person’s life and destiny. 
21.  When the devil has been given demonic access to a person’s life to perpetuate evil. 
22.  When the enemy overshadows a person’s life for evil.
23.  An evil bridge.
24.  The manifestation date of an evil appointment for a person’s life.  For example, it may be that evil sex that you engaged in which is now waiting to manifest as Acquired Immune Deficiency Syndrome (AIDS).
25.  When the enemy has identified or marked you out for evil.  For example, the serpent has already entered you and now is just waiting for a good opportunity to eat up your organs or bite you to death.  Or maybe you ate food from the table of the devil and now cancer is just waiting to manifest.

1.     Every evil appointment for my life, scatter by fire, in the name of Jesus.
2.     Every calendar of darkness prepared for my life, catch fire, in the name of Jesus.
3.     My Lord and my God, deliver me from the evil devices of the wicked, in Jesus name.

There are many evil things that a person can be pregnant with.  These include:
1.      Evil load
2.      Evil attachment
3.      Sickness.
4.      Affliction.
5.      Shame and disgrace.
6.      Poverty.
7.      Reproach.
8.      Destruction.
9.      Failure.
10.  Demotion.
11.  Untimely death.
12.  Evil calendars.
13.  Evil garments.
14.  Loss.
15.  Embarrassment

PRAYER: Every evil pregnancy in my life, be punctured, aborted, and roasted to ashes, in the name of Jesus.


These are the powers which are behind evil pregnancy. They program evil into people’s lives to manifest at the appointed time. The powers behind evil pregnancy include:         
1.      Ancestral powers.
2.      Foundational powers.
3.      Witchcraft powers including eaters of flesh and drinkers of blood.
4.      Marine powers.
5.      Familiar spirits.
6.      Occult people.
7.      Enchanters and diviners.
8.      Star gazers.
9.      Sorcerers and witch doctors
10.  Powers like Balaam that are hired to pronounce and program evil in the form of curses upon people. 

a.      PRAYER: Every evil appointment for my life, refuse to manifest, in the name of Jesus.
11.  Strongmen.


1.      Surrender your life totally to God.
2.      Reject and cancel every evil pregnancy.
a.      Refuse to agree with the devil’s agenda for your life and rebuke it instead.
3.      Fear not.
4.      Pray inquiring prayers so that you will know where to direct your prayers.
5.      Be a word addict and search out what concerns your situation in the word of God.
6.      Identify the evil ladder keeping the evil pregnancy in place.
7.      Identify the open doors keeping evil pregnancy in place and close them through targeted prayers.


SONGS: 1. Stubborn problem in my life receive fire, die by fire 2. Anointing break the yoke, break the yoke. Anointing break the yoke, break the yoke. 3. Holy Ghost fire come down.

1.      Every power promoting evil pregnancy in my life die by fire, in the name of Jesus.
2.      Satanic policemen enforcing bad things in my life, fall down and die, in the name of Jesus.
3.      Every evil tree growing in my life, be uprooted by fire, in the name of Jesus.
4.      Every evil programming in my life, scatter by fire, in the name of Jesus.
5.      Every agenda of evil pregnancy for my life, scatter unto desolation, in the name of Jesus.  Do not lump them together. Name them one by one such as:
agenda of sickness, insanity, shame, demotion, untimely death, and affliction.
6.      Every completed work of the enemy in my life, be nullified by the blood of Jesus.
7.      I reject every evil calendar and handwriting of the enemy for my life, in the name of Jesus.
8.      I reject every evil judgment over my life and destiny, in the name of Jesus.
9.      I reject every evil pregnancy and I set it ablaze, in the name of Jesus.
10.  Blood of Jesus, separate me from every evil attachment in my life, in the name of Jesus.
11.  Everything programmed into my life and body to cause sickness melt away by fire. To each of the under listed say: “Melt away, melt away, melt away by fire, in the name of Jesus.
a. cancer          b. tumor           c. evil growth              d. evil deposit             e. evil transfer
f. evil plantation          g. evil deposit             h. evil transmission                 i. diabetes
12.  Every power that wants me to die before my time, die in my place after the order of Haman.
13.  Every evil arrow fired into my life, jump out and backfire, in the name of Jesus.
14.  Every owner of evil load in any area of my life, appear now and carry your load.
15.  I cancel every evil appointment for my life with the blood of Jesus.
16.  Evil will not manifest in my life, in the name of Jesus.
17.  I recover back all that I have lost as a result of evil pregnancy.
18.  Thank you Lord for answering my prayers.