Saturday, December 29, 2007


“For God may speak in one way or in another yet man does not perceive it. In a dream, in a vision of the night. (Job 33:14-15).”

“Jesus Christ is the same yesterday, today and forever. (Hebrew 13:8).”

“Today if you will hear His voice, Do not harden your hearts as in the rebellion. (Hebrew 3:7).”

Recently, I have come across several people that were very puzzled when I shared with them testimonies of what God was currently doing in my life and how He had told me that He was going to do these things and how He brought them to pass exactly as He promised. They all asked me one question “Does God still speak today?” This is the question that we want to address on this forum today.

The bible says that God’s words to His Children are "Yes and Amen". It says further that “ God is not a man that He should lie nor the son of man that He should repent. Numbers 23:19. Also, “Has He spoken and is He not able to bring it to pass?”, the Bible asks. My unequivocable answer to both questions is: "Yes." God still speaks today and He also can bring whatever He says (good or bad) to pass.

But to whom does the Lord speak today? God talks to all. God talks to His children by His Spirit, the Holy Spirit. “To as many as received him to them gave him the power to be called the sons of God.” A son hears his father.
God also speaks to anyone else that he wants to. In Genesis He spoke to a pagan king, Abimelech, to have nothing to do with Abraham’s wife, Sarah. In Genesis He spoke to wicked and idolatrous father in law, Laban, to do Jacob no harm.

In the New Testament God continuous spoke to people. He gave Joseph, the earthly father of Jesus, specific instructions to keep Jesus safe. He told Zachariah, the priest that he was going to have a son, John the Baptist. As the early disciples watched and prayed He gave them very specific instructions such “Set aside for me Paul and Barnabas for the work for which I have called them.” Paul, the Apostle, heard Jesus clearly at his conversion and continuous after that. During a ship wreck he assured his fellow travelers of their safety because God had told him so the previous night.

There are several ways that the Lord speaks today. Some of these are through dreams and vision, audible voice, witness in the heart, preaching, prophetic utterances, and signs and wonder.

The challenge is, “Why do some people continuously while others do not?” We will discuss these issues next time. Everyone is welcome to share their experiences in this area. I will share mine as well next time. See you in the New Year by His Grace. Stay blessed and have a very blessed New Year.

Tuesday, December 4, 2007


“Then the king sent unto him a captain of fifty with his fifty. And he went up to him: and, behold, he sat on the top of an hill. And he spake unto him, Thou man of God, the king hath said, Come down. And Elijah answered and said to the captain of fifty, If I be a man of God, then let fire come down from heaven, and consume thee and thy fifty. And there came down fire from heaven, and consumed him and his fifty.” (2 Kings 1:9-11)

As Generals in God's army there are many things that we cannot do. Like the Prophet Elijah, we must refuse to come down. Like the Apostle Paul, we must continuously be conscious of the fact that: "Others may but I may not."

We will see fellow "Christians" all around us doing different things which we know will drain our anointing and break our intimacy with God if we join them. Do you not know that they are not happy every time you tell "God says"? If we join them we will be forced to come down from the mountain top and join them at the valley.

Terrible things happen in the valley. 1. We will fall before our enemies that had previously being subdued by us. 2. Old afflictions and old enemies resurrect and torment one's life. 3. There is oppression, failure, retrogression and defeat. All the old bad dreams start coming back. 5. As Generals in God's army we do not want to be to be wasted spiritually and physically in the course of warfare.

Being a General and remaining at the mountain top requires discipline. It means that you cannot talk anyhow, eat anyhow, or go everywhere. It demands staying at His side nightly for hours seeking His face, reading His word, war faring, interceding, etc. It takes keeping the flesh under through regular fasting and prayers. It entails going away on retreats just to spend days at His side undisturbed. It takes willingness to cut off from our lives anything and anybody that threatens our relationship with our Commander in Chief, JESUS, who is the pillar of our life. It costs time, money, friends and so many other things.

But you know what? If we are willing to pay the price it is an exciting ride at His side. Isaiah 1:19, Psalm 45:7. You remain up there. You never come down to the valley where the witches harass, marine powers pollute peoples destinies, and oppressive dreams are the order of the day.


"But upon mount Zion shall be deliverance, and there shall be holiness; and the house of Jacob shall possess their possessions." (Obadiah 1:17)

Deliverance is ejecting evil tenants that are inhabiting your life.
It is to break every yoke that is troubling your life.
It is to break every conscious or unconsious evil associations for example with witches, and occult groups.
Deliverane is to forcefully throw out evil spirits .
It is to escape from satanic prisons and cages.
It is to be released from altars of affliction.
Deliverance is to destroy satanic dreams and dismantle their effects.

There are certain factors that can hinder a person's deliverance. Some of these factors are unconfessed sins, prayerlessness, ignorance, unbroken curses and covenants, attachment to satanic materials, lack of faith, and not hiding the word of God in one's heart. Prayerlessness does not necessarily mean that one is not praying but one could be praying amiss by praying wrong prayers, praying at the wrong time or praying fireless prayers that fail to hit there targets.

There are several benefits of deliverance. It terminates satanic oppression. It enables one to have dominion over the power of the enemy. Deliverance opens the heavens over a life bringing about rapid breakthrough in various areas of life such as career, marriage, business and spiritual. It gives good health. I cancels untimely death. It disgraces bondages. It enables one to possess his possession or in some cases to recover lost possession. It damages ignorance, makes holiness easier and makes one's prayer life more productive.

There are certain things that a person must do if they are to maintain their deliverance and keep walking in it. First and formost you must make Jesus Christ your personal savior and friend. Separate from ungodly friends and associations. You ensure that your armor which are salvation, rightiousness, truth, faith, and peace stay on always. You must engage in spiritual warfare everyday and join a church that believes in spiritual warfare. Study the bible and pray everyday. Return every curse to sender.